Moizsiddiqui's Profile

Age: 56

City: Toronto

State/Province: Ontario

Country: Canada

Education: Professional qualification

Religion: Islam

Career: Software Eng/Computer

Marital Status: Separated/Divorced

Profile Rating: 3/5

Hello everyone! I am a vibrant individual who loves to socialize and explore the urban landscapes. A significant part of my life is dedicated to learning and growth, and I value education highly. Hence, I hope to find a partner who shares the same regard for knowledge.

My ideal partner is someone who appreciates the little things in life, has a good educational background, and values physical appearance to some extent. I believe that physical attraction, combined with intellectual compatibility, can lead to a beautiful relationship.

I am a big fan of cricket and enjoy watching matches to unwind and relax. Also, I have quite an adventurous spirit and love traveling to new places. When I am not traveling or watching cricket, you can find me trying new culinary delights. I have a special fondness for Biryani, and there's a good chance we will be exploring the city's best Biryani joints on our first few dates.

I am excited to connect with someone who shares similar interests, or can intr