Bintihawa's Profile

Age: 27

City: Daska

State/Province: Punjab

Country: Pakistan

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Education/Academic

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 5/5

I am an independent woman who holds a Master's Degree in Computer Science. Standing at a height of 5 feet, I pride myself on my resilience, determination, and ambition.

Belonging to the esteemed Jutt Goraya community, I am blessed with a large loving family of six siblings, which comprises of two brothers and four sisters. All of them are happily married and settled in their respective lives.

I am on this platform looking for a life partner who appreciates the pursuit of knowledge and values a strong family-oriented lifestyle. I am seeking someone who is understanding, supportive, and ready to embark on a lifetime journey of love, respect, and mutual growth.