Waqasjut's Profile

Age: 33

City: Faisalabad

State/Province: Punjab

Country: Pakistan

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Business/Entrepreneur

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 2.5/5

Male ▪︎ Marital Status: Single ▪︎ Age: 34 ▪︎ Caste: Jutt ▪︎ Sect: Sunni ▪︎ Height: 5'6'' ▪︎ Qualifications: Bachelor (Private) ▪︎ Occupation & Residence: - Job/Business: Company Director - House Own/Rent: Own - House Size: 10 Marla - Personal Conveyance: 2 Vehicles ▪︎ Parent's detail: - Father: Deceased - Mother: Housewife - Residence & City: Faisalabad - Siblings: 2 - Brother (Neurosurgeon) - Sister (Professor) ▪︎ Requirements: Marital Status: Single Age Limits: 27 to 30 Caste: Only Jutt City: Only Faisalabad main city Looking for a good looking, educated, and respectable family.