Shasha1731's Profile

Age: 38

City: Lancaster

State/Province: England

Country: United Kingdom

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Hinduism

Career: Business/Entrepreneur

Marital Status: Ask me later

Profile Rating: 3/5

This is how I view people. Respect for people and the capacity to stand one's ground regardless of ostensible circumstances. A tinge of compassion and a little care never hurt anyone. Regardless of what most deem, life doesn't always play by your rules. I know that the world's a stage where we are mere actors playing our parts. Having seen the cornucopia of reality as nothing but a facade masquerading for brutal, unforgiving hurt thrust upon us, it isn't a walk in the park to find trust. I wish that thoughts aren't just consciousness and love isn't just an emotion. The vividness of life lies in its organized chaos, and assumptions aren't always presumptuous. To look in one's eyes and see the panopticon of the cosmos is vividly real.