Sarasyed's Profile

Age: 26

City: Australind

State/Province: Western Australia

Country: Australia

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Software Eng/Computer

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 5/5

Hello there! I'm a quiet, focused individual who values the simplicity and comfort of suburban living. I'm a big fan of traditional cuisine, there's something about the comfort and culture in every bite that keeps me coming back for more.

In my spare time, you'll often find me with a good book in hand, lost in a different world. I also have a deep appreciation for classic music and arts. It's in these moments of solitude where I find peace and contentment.

While I enjoy my solitude, I believe life is better when shared. I'm looking for a partner who is financially stable, as I believe it's an important aspect of a secure relationship. Physical appearance does matter somewhat, but it's the inner connection that truly counts.

I come from a well-educated family and hold those values close. So, if you're someone who cherishes the quiet moments, appreciates good music, the arts, and good food