Samu604's Profile

Age: 27

City: Ottawa

State/Province: Ontario

Country: Canada

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Government/Department

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Hello, there! I'm an individual who values honesty and trustworthiness above all else. My work in the corporate world has instilled in me an appreciation for financial stability, and I hope to find a partner who shares that outlook. I'm also looking for someone who balances both extroverted and introverted qualities – an ambivert, like me.

Religion plays a significant role in my life, and I am eager to learn more about Islamic values. I believe it's important to share spiritual beliefs with a partner, as it often forms the basis of a deep and meaningful connection.

Family holds a special place in my life, and I would love to have a partner who also prioritizes family. I enjoy spending my free time walking, reading, and watching movies. Food is a great passion of mine, and I particularly enjoy Halal food, which aligns with my religious beliefs.

I am looking to meet someone who shares my values and interests, and is eager to embark on this journey with me. Let's walk, read, and savor life together!