Rstephen's Profile

Age: 36

City: Philadelphia

State/Province: Pennsylvania

Country: United States

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Christianity

Career: Manager/Human Resources

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

* Full name-Reema Stephen
* Date of birth-06/06/1989
* Religion-Christian
* Occupation-HR coordinator
* Qualification-Bachelors in political science and Biology(in-progress)
* City/Country- Philadelphia PA USA
* Nationality-US citizen
* Height-5.3”
* Weight-200lbs
* Marital status-Single (unmarried)
* Annual income-70k+
* Property (owned/rented)-Owned
* Hobbies- photography, painting, cooking, yoga and traveling.
* Preferences in partner- settled in US, decent, ambitious and career oriented person. Also a strong inclination for values & morals and respects elders & family values