Ranamuh1's Profile

Age: 38

City: Montreal

State/Province: Quebec

Country: Canada

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Logistics/Warehouse

Marital Status: Separated/Divorced

Profile Rating: 3/5

Name: Rana muh
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Marital Status: Divorced
Child: 1 child (age X) living with mother
Religion: Sunni Muslim
Caste: Rajput
Education: Bachelor's degree in Law and Master's degree in Political Science
Profession: Truck Driver
Income: $10,000/month
Family: Father, 2 sisters, and 1 brother - all happily married
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

About Me:
Salam! I am Rana Naeem Javid, a compassionate soul who navigates life with optimism and determination. My journey has led me to appreciate the importance of faith, resilience, and the power of continuous learning. With a Bachelor's degree in Law and a Master's degree in Political Science, I have cultivated a deep understanding of the world around me, and I approach each day with a desire to make a positive impact.

Professionally, I am a committed truck driver, a role that has allowed me to bridge the gap between diverse cultures and landscapes. My income of $10,000 per month reflects both my dedication and the opportunities that come from hard work and perseverance.

Family holds a special place in my heart. I am blessed with a loving family that includes my father, 2 sisters, and 1 brother - all leading happily married lives. Our bonds are strong, and our gatherings are filled with laughter, support, and a deep sense of connection that enriches our lives.

Interests and Hobbies:
In my leisure time, I find joy in various activities. Exploring nature's wonders through hiking, camping, and road trips fuels my spirit and reminds me of life's beauty. Books are my companions during quiet hours, expanding my horizons and enriching my understanding of the world. I also have a flair for culinary experiments, having honed my cooking skills over the years. Furthermore, I am committed to giving back to the community through volunteer work, believing in the significance of contributing positively to society.

Partner Expectations:
As I embark on a new chapter, I am searching for a partner who shares my values and dreams. A practicing Sunni Muslim with a deep connection to faith would be a wonderful match. Effective communication, respect, and a zest for life are traits I hold in high regard. Embracing my child as part of our shared journey is pivotal, nurturing a loving environment for our family to thrive. Together, we can create a tapestry of love, support, and shared aspirations.

If my profile resonates with your vision of a meaningful partnership, I eagerly anticipate the chance to connect and learn more about you. Let's embark on this journey hand in hand, with the hope of creating a beautiful chapter in our lives.