Ranaejaz211's Profile

Age: 33

City: Okara

State/Province: Punjab

Country: Pakistan

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Engineering/Architecture

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

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*Personal information*
Gender: male
Marital Status : single
Name: Rana Ejaz
Age: 31
Height: 5.6
Religion: Islam
Sect: Sunni
Caste: Rajpoot Ghoreywah
Qualifications: BS electrical engineering
Job: working as an engineer in Sharjah UAE
Earning handsome salary
City: Okara
*Family details*:
Father' Name:
Rashid Ahmad Khan Sub divisional Officer Building Sub Division Okara
Well reputed family in Okara
Basically Landlord family
Own house
Sisters: 2
1 married to a mechanical engineer, working as country
manager in an American company in Nigeria
Other is studying plus doing job
Brothers: 3 brother, one is married, other 2 are studying
Other Details:mother is a house wife
Personality traits: calm, humble, fun loving, caring, very
respectful and God fearing person
Caste: Any Caste, Rana Rajpoot preferably
Age: 23-30
Height: 5.3 - 5.5
City: Lahore/ okara (Punjab)
Marital status: Single, Never Married
Sect: Sunni
Family: simple educated, well mannered
Spouse: A smart and beautiful hijabi, well educated, well
groomed, home maker and family oriented girl who respects
Islamic values