Pathanlarki's Profile

Age: 25

City: Lahore

State/Province: Punjab

Country: Pakistan

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: IT/Telecommunications

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 5/5

Hello there! My name is pathanlarki, and I am a 23-year-old female from Lahore. I stand at a height of 5'1" and hold a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology (batch 2022). Currently, I work as a freelancer and take pride in my professional growth.

As for my personal life, I am single and follow the Islamic faith, belonging to the Sunni sect. I come from a Pathan caste and hold Pakistani nationality. I reside in Lahore and have my flat. My father works as a Product Manager, and my mother is a housewife. I have two siblings, one brother and one sister, both younger than me.

In my free time, I enjoy reading, designing, cooking, photography, and traveling. I am strictly against dowry and believe in equality between partners in a marriage.

I am looking for a partner who is between the ages of 23-30 and stands at a height between 5'6" to 5'10". I prefer someone who holds a professional degree and follows Sunni religious beliefs. Caste is not a significant factor for me. However, I am not interested in materialistic or greedy people.

Please note that if you are not from Lahore or Islamabad, do not want parental involvement from the start, or are not willing to let your wife continue her job after marriage, kindly refrain from messaging me.

Thank you for taking the time to read my profile.