Onlyyou's Profile

Age: 28

City: Melbourne

State/Province: Victoria

Country: Australia

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Education/Academic

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Hello there! I'm a sincere and kind individual who strongly believes in respect and Islamic values. I'm here in search of a serious relationship that leads to marriage. Education does matter to me, so I'd appreciate a partner who values it too. But more importantly, I'm drawn to a person who carries strong Islamic values.

I'm content living in a suburban setting and, at this point, I'm not looking to migrate to another country. I hold a degree in Psychology and am currently working, which I consider a proud achievement. I am ambitious and am keen on pursuing a master's degree. Besides this, I have a soft spot for helping people whenever I can and have a keen interest in Tasawwuf.

Though I don't have any particularly life-altering experiences to share yet, I'm looking forward to making unforgettable memories with my future spouse. If you're a person who believes in the sanctity of marriage, values education and Islamic traditions, and is ready to settle in a tranquil suburban setting, I would love to hear from you.