Nadeem1's Profile

Age: 38

City: Athlone

State/Province: Westmeath

Country: Ireland

Education: Ask me later

Religion: Islam

Career: Other/Self Employed

Marital Status: Separated/Divorced

Profile Rating: 3/5

Age: 37
Height: 5.9
Cast: butt
Language: Punjabi,urdu,English
Occupation: Full Time Job (Security)
Salary: €32k/yr
Pakistani City: Lahore
Current Country/City: Ireland
Country status: Irish Citizen
Total siblings: we are 4 sis and 2 bros
Married siblings: 4(2sis married in pak, 1 married in uk)
Parents lives in Ireland.
Brothers live seprate.
Unmarried siblings: 1
Your no. in siblings: eldest
Marital Status : Divorced (No Kids)
Was short marrriage can explain in detail inbox
He is Mashahlah very humble , handsome and down to earth.
Any European country. OR lahore Pakistan
Single/Divorce (but No Kids)