Mujeeb1's Profile

Age: 20

City: Islamabad

State/Province: Punjab

Country: Pakistan

Education: Ask me later

Religion: Islam

Career: Business/Entrepreneur

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Seeking a Compatible Groom: A Business Minded Bride from Oman and Pakistan

About Me:
I am a confident, modern, and independent woman with strong family values. I have a background in business, with ties in both Oman and Pakistan. I believe in striking a balance between personal and professional life and seek a life partner who shares similar values and aspirations.

Family Background:
My family is well-established and respected in the business community. My father and brother are successful businessmen, while my mother is a devoted homemaker. I have one brother and one sister, and we all share a strong bond and love for each other.

Ideal Partner:
I am looking for a groom who is ambitious, responsible, and business-minded, with a strong sense of integrity and commitment. The ideal partner would value family life and be open to embracing our cultural and traditional values. Together, we can build a beautiful future and create a strong, loving partnership.

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