Mhsnkhan50's Profile

Age: 31

City: Islamabad

State/Province: Islamabad

Country: Pakistan

Education: High school

Religion: Islam

Career: Marketing/Sales

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Gender: Male
Age: 29
Height: 5.11
Residence: Bharakaho, Islamabad
Education: FA (last semester)
Profession: Sales and Account Manager
Nationality: Pakistani
Marital Status: Single
Caste: Yousafzai
Religious Sector: Sunni
Language: Urdu

Going to move to USA, paper work is in process


Father: Hamid Khan (Deceased) Caste Yousafzai
Mother: Mobeen Hamid Caste Siddiqqui
Brother: None
Sisters: 2
Both are married
Elder one lives in the USA
Younger one lives in Sweden


Age: 24 to 27
Height: 5.5 to 5.7
Residence: Any
Education: BA or Higher
Marital Status: Single
Religious Sector: Sunni