Mehakasad's Profile

Age: 25

City: Lahore

State/Province: Punjab

Country: Pakistan

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Accounting/Finance

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3.5/5

Name: Nabeel
Year of Birth: 1994 27
Height: 6 foot
Religion: Islam
Sect (Suni /Shia): Suni
Caste: khokhar
Qualifications: BS Economic
City /Country : Lahore
Name of educational institution: Comsats Institute of Information and Technology.
Job: yes (In Dubai)
Business: No
Income: Yes
House own /rent: Own House
Darbar Mian Mir, Dharampura LHR.
City: Lahore
*Family details*

Father's Name: Muhammad Asad
Father Occupation: Manager at BATA Pakistan.
Sisters: 1
Married sis : 0
Brothers: 2
Married bro : 0