Khadijash's Profile

Age: 29

City: Korangi

State/Province: Sindh

Country: Pakistan

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Student

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Looking for a match for my younger sister:

- Female
- Age: 28 years
- Height: 5'6
- Wears glasses on daily basis
- Residence: Karachi
- Education: BBA from Iqra university
- Maslak: Sunni
- Cast: Hazara
Family details:
-Father worked in Saudia, now retired.
-Mother is a homemaker.
-4 sisters are married, she’s the last one.
-1 brother is married, 1 is single.
-Marital status: Single, never married/engaged

About my sister:

- She is well educated, well behaved and really beautiful.
- She is looking for someone who is well settled, loves to travel and someone who respects everyone.
- She is very simple, has high values and very understanding.
- She doesn’t want to work after marriage, so the boy must earn well enough to support both. I understand that people who live abroad for them this might be a deal breaker but she wants to be a homemaker. I can’t argue with that, that’s her choice.
- I can guarantee you that she would be best partner you could ever ask for. My parents have raised all of us like that. All sisters are happily married Masha Allah.
- She is an introvert, likes to watch movies and series in her spare time, enjoys eating out and long drives.

- Age: 28-35
- Education: at least Bachelors from a reputable institute
- Must be sunni
- Must be based in Karachi (abroad is also ok)
- Must have progressive mentality.
- Must have own house or family house.
- Deal breakers: If you drink, do paan (not interested)
- Views on dowry: We don’t want to entertain any demands

- Timeline for marriage: Preferably 2023-2024

Additional requirements:
Looking for someone with good morals and a decent family. Someone with progressive mentality and good values.

Family involvement is a must!