Irfan50000's Profile

Age: 40

City: Brampton

State/Province: Ontario

Country: Canada

Education: Professional qualification

Religion: Islam

Career: Defense/Forces/Security

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Salaam ,i'm born and raised in Canada i come from a good muslim family I'm not really good at talking about myself nor do i like to but here we go, I'm down to earth and easy going I'm your average guy im not materialistic meaning if Allah provides than allhumdullilah if not i dont dwell over it i dont worry about money allhumdullilah.I come from a medium size Pakistani family ,I'm knowledgeable in many different things I do various types of work for income I can pretty much do anything I'm really good with my hands allhumdullilah. I am good hearted as I been told by others I try to be and do good. I pray namaaz 5 times a day allhumdullilah and I also try to give charity when i can.

I like staying fit by working out cardio 50 minutes a day and weight lifting strength training for 1.5 hrs a day allhumdullilah I can cook,would like to travel the world, movies,cars museums and like to try new things that are halal this just a little bit about myself. I am seeking my life partner/soul mate I hope she comes from beautiful Pakistan but doesn't have to.She should be a good muslim loving and caring as i need alot of love and has good characteristics and morales,someone loving and caring bright and beautiful someone who has good hygiene and takes care of her health who have some common interests like working out,gardening going to museums learning new things trying new things just living life and will take care of me in vice versa and has to know how to cook ,obviously i would also cook for her she will be treated better than any queen! Inshallah it would be a beautiful partnership inshallah ameen !please feel free to reach out to me to ask anything you would like to know please serious honest God fearing ppl only Allah-Hafiz

I'm looking for someone who doesn't just care for money!!!! Someone who is healthy,clean and happy who takes care of herself physically and spiritually bottom line somone who is a loving and caring ,loyal and honest and a overall good person and shares some interest like I have praying to almighty Allah and working out staying healthy ,cooking,traveling and exploring the world,learning and growing together she treated better than any queen ! just a simple beautiful life inshallah ameen !