Hiratahir1's Profile
Age: 35
City: Rawalpindi
State/Province: Punjab
Country: Pakistan
Education: Masters degree
Religion: Islam
Career: Banking/Insurance
Marital Status: Separated/Divorced
Profile Rating: 5/5
Age: 35
City: Rawalpindi
State/Province: Punjab
Country: Pakistan
Education: Masters degree
Religion: Islam
Career: Banking/Insurance
Marital Status: Separated/Divorced
Profile Rating: 5/5
Gender: Female
Age. 32
Height: 5-3
Caste. Sunni
Disability. No
Nationality. Pakistan
Language. Urdu
Masters in Business administration
Marital Status: Divorced (details will be disclosed later)
Religion. Islam
PROFESSION: Working in Bank Islamabad
Father’s Profession: Retired
Mother: Housewife
Siblings: 1 brother (Working in Private company)
City/Home town: Rawalpindi
House: Self-owned,
looking for a person who is educated and is from a decent family
If Divorced/widowed - without children
Age: 33-38