Habiba5's Profile

Age: 29

City: Lahore

State/Province: Punjab

Country: Pakistan

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Teacher/Lecturer

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 5/5

I am searching proposal for my sister on the behalf of my family time pass and non serious people kindly stay away from this post
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Never Married
Age: 27
Any Disability: No
Sect: Sunni
Cast: Yosuf Zai Pathan

Mother Language: Urdu
Qualification: BS Hons in Human Development and Family Development and have a plan to study abroad for masters and Mphill
Job/Business: Job
Job Location: Online Also did an internship at Fatima Memorial Hospital

Family Status: Middle Class
Father occupation: Businessman
Mother occupation: House Wife
Brothers: 1
Sisters: 2
Married siblings: All are married

Country: Pakistan
City: Lahore
Nationality: Pakistani
Age: 26 to 32
Marital status: Never Married
Cast: Any
Sect/Maslaq: Any
Height: more than5’2
Qualification: professional studies
Nationality: Any
City: Islamabad, Lahore and abroad