Cheema's Profile

Age: 25

City: Sydney

State/Province: New South Wales

Country: Australia

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Defense/Forces/Security

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

We are looking for a match for our brother.

*Male, 25, 6ft 1’ (Never been engaged/married)
Occupation: Police Officer
Religion: Islam/Sunni
Caste: Jutt
Citizen Born in Australia

-O/A Levels
-Associate Degree in Policing Practice (University, Australia)
Studying further at the moment

Current Residence: Australia

Father: Retired from own business
Mother: Housewife
Sister: 2, both older (completed school and bachelors in Australia) and married
- One in Australia (working as Doctor)
- One in Pakistan (Double Masters, working)

Looking For:
- Similar age
- Well educated & decent, from a good family (ideally Jutt)