Behuman's Profile

Age: 40

City: Rawalpindi

State/Province: Punjab

Country: Pakistan

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Other/Self Employed

Marital Status: Separated/Divorced

Profile Rating: 3.5/5

Hello and welcome to my profile. I'm someone who values the importance of education; not just in my own life but also in a prospective partner. It's somewhat important to me, as I believe it shapes our worldview and approach to life. But don't worry, I'm not all about academia. I'm also a firm believer in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Physical appearance matters to me, but not in a superficial way, I simply appreciate someone who takes good care of themselves.

One of the major qualities I seek in a life partner is a shared spiritual belief. This is very important to me as I feel it provides a common ground and understanding. I also appreciate someone who is family-orientated and supportive; those are values I deeply connect with.

I'm up for an adventure and open to new beginnings, so much so that I'm willing to relocate to another country. There's something exciting about exploring a new place alongside someone special, don't you think?

In my leisure time, you'll find me traveling, making the most of my gym membership, or finding joy in the simple pleasure of a good meal. My love for these activities is only paralleled by my dedication to continual professional growth. I'm always on a quest to improve my skills and knowledge.

I come from a small, close-knit family. My father is retired and my sister is married. Unfortunately, we lost our mother back in 2004, a difficult time that taught me the importance