Azramahmood3's Profile

Age: 31

City: Islamabad

State/Province: Islamabad

Country: Pakistan

Education: Masters degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Business/Entrepreneur

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 2.5/5

* Height: 6.0
* Age: 30
* Caste: Arain-Punjabi
* Religion: Muslim-Sunni
* Marital status: Single/Never been married before
* Siblings: 4 brothers and 2 sisters
* Residence: Islamabad
* Professional education:
- O & A levels
- Bachelor in Business Administration from Szabist
- Master in Agricultural Economics from University of Hohenheim, Germany
* Work: Poultry Family Business in Islamabad

* Age: 23-27
* Height: 5.5+
* Education: Bachelors at least
* Caste: Arain preferably but no restriction
* Fair and slim girl belonging to a decent family