Alihassancheema's Profile

Age: 23

City: Bundall

State/Province: Queensland

Country: Australia

Education: Professional qualification

Religion: Islam

Career: IT/Telecommunications

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

Date of birth. 22/08/2001
Cast. Jutt(Cheema)
Sect (Sunni)
Height (6.1)
Qualifications ( Bachelor of Information Technology )
Details of job/businesses ( In last semester of the studies)
Marital Status( single )
Disability if any? None
Parents's detail (Father deals in importing of stainless steel )
Siblings(2 bothers and 1 sister )
Area of Residence & City(Gujranwala ,Dc colony,Pakistan)& ( Currently In Gold Coast,Australia )
Size of House(10 marla )
Own House/Rented House (Own houses in Pakistan and renting in Australia )
Demand (Tall and Good Looking , younger preferred , have a good sense of Deen and Dunyia, in the tribe of Jutt )