Akhawaja099's Profile

Age: 25

City: Sialkot

State/Province: Punjab

Country: Pakistan

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Doctor/Medical Officer

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 5/5

Family Background :
Dad ( Businessman in UK ) and Mother ( Housewife ) , one brother ( doing MBBS in UK )
Marital status : Single
Height : 5’3
Education: MBBS (govt) ; UHS
Occupation : House job
Religion: Islam
Sect : Ehl- e- Sunnat
Cast : ( Kashmiri )
Home: Own House abroad and in Pakistan ( Sialkot cantt )
Nationality : Dual ( UK and Pakistani )
Future plans : booked a seat for PLAB-1 in August

Requirements :
Age limit : 25- 30 years old
City : Sialkot , Gujranwala, Gujarat , Lahore
Cast : Kashmiri ( preferably ) . Any other OK
Qualification: Doctor ( preferably ), businessman
Others: Willing to go to UK