Ahmad1234's Profile

Age: 21

City: Lahore Cantonment

State/Province: Punjab

Country: Pakistan

Education: Bachelors degree

Religion: Islam

Career: Business/Entrepreneur

Marital Status: Never Married

Profile Rating: 3/5

I am a woman of substance, driven by dedication and ambition. Passionate about deep conversations and intellectual discussions, I have spent a significant portion of my life earning a PhD. I am seeking a like-minded individual who appreciates the power of knowledge and the importance of a strong educational background.

My academic accomplishments reflect my determination, resilience, and commitment to my goals. Yet, I am not just about books and theories. I love to explore the world, appreciate the beauty of nature, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

I am looking for a partner who is not just intelligent but also caring, respectful, and understanding. I believe that a successful relationship is built on mutual respect, trust, and shared values. Hence, I am seeking a man who is not only my equal but also my best friend, and my confidant.

If you are someone who values education, enjoys intellectual discussions, and cherishes the joy of companionship, I look forward to connecting with you. Let's embark on a journey of shared dreams, mutual respect, and everlasting love.